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Saturday, October 13, 2012


Hmm..still left 3 more days and i am free from school again ><
Wheeeee =] hmm..but,gonna miss my friends and you o!!
Er...hohoho,still have two more days to suffer..
EXAM!! **** arhh!!The BM sucks alot!!
Gosshh... ...Sure i'll fail my BM!!
Aniske =P hmm....Die soon (R.I.P)
Stupid school..stupid life..stupid potato~blek =P
Ahahaha hmm ==

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Now..this "mustache" is just so famous ==
WOw.. .. ..i like it much lor the mustache~~
Hmm...now im writing sakai things ~~
I hate YOU!! !!
I rather choosse to never know you before XD
Just kidding..when i'm angry,i like to simply say things..
You make me to choose to say this to you,
Blek ><
Sad now.. ..and very down now.. ..
Becareful that i'll burn you into a fried potato!!! ^^

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Going to DIE soon..Exam is coming more n more n more n more
Nearer!! !! !!
Jezzz.. ..just one more week to go + this week,
It's ma dead line.. ..Ohh gossh = o=
And..and..and.. .. ..
It's gonna HOLIDAY~~Whooo =]
Hapi lor!!Whole day making mask,Zzz,eating,day dreaming.. .. ..
Such a stupid holiday for me .. ..
A boring n boring n boring holiday for me,BUT i luv it~~
Cuz no ned to see ma teachers for a long long time,
Hehehehehehehe = o=
Neva updated blog for such a long time..
It sucks a lot..just kidding =D